Use the unprecedented progress in the fight against malaria to provide irrefutable proof that progress is possible, leadership and commitment matters and that UK aid works.
Highlight evidence such as child deaths from malaria in sub saharan Africa from malaria have been halved in the last 15 years, saving over 3 million young lives.
Work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in the UK and US and the Lord Speakers office to bring Bill Gates to London to talk at the House of Lords and use malaria to make the positive case for UK aid.
Malaria No More UK co-organised the event The Case for Aid: A Conversation with Bill Gates by the Lord Speaker as the very first in a new series of annual lectures in the House of Lords.
This included liaising on all aspects of the event from attendees to broadcast live streaming and related media amplification as well as key talking points for Bill’s speech.
The lecture was live broadcast to the House of Lords and the Houses of Parliament and the live feed was picked up by the BBC and offered to all other major broadcasters.
Related interviews and coverage generated 30,783,515 opportunities to view.
The Event acknowledged that the UK government, backed by British business, Scientists, as well as strong UK public concern for the world’s oldest and deadliest disease has shown exceptional leadership in global health and malaria specifically (and by default in reducing poverty) and that this should be congratulated and crucially continued in order to accelerate towards a malaria free world within a generation.
Attendees at the event included eminent MP’s and Lords, Leading British Business entrepreneurs and other Influencers, including key media.