Opportunity arose, in my first week in new role, to pitch to 15 ITV executives that they should make Malaria No More UK the sole recipient charity of ITV’s flagship prime time programme, I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here……!” Historically the programme had supported a charity per celebrity contestant.
Created and presented the pitch focussed on our ability to demonstrate direct impact in terms of lives saved thanks to the money raised from the ITV audience.
Built and leveraged powerful on going relationship with major media platform.
An initial partnership of one year which converted into a 5 year on-going partnership.
Provided major funding to the organisation for both programmes in Africa and unrestricted.
Ability to tell on-going narrative by funnelling funds raised from the programme (15p from every phone call) to one in country programme initiative in Ghana. This enabled a convincing ability to create a story and demonstrate impact and legacy of support that directly led to the annual renewal of the partnership.
Became our greatest mass awareness driver. Accounting for almost half of the charity’s annual reach figures and bringing a new audience behind the malaria fight.
2013 reach 331,853,510
Estimated total reach over 1,652,500,000
Underpinned rise in MNM UK brand awareness.
Opportunity to inspire and recruit new Talent champions to the malaria fight and extend support beyond the parameters of the show raising further awareness and funds.
Pitched then won and facilitated opportunity for ITV to focus a dedicated Tonight current affairs programme on malaria in Ghana and highlight our corporate partner GSK’s malaria vaccine trials. Interviewed for programme.